Creation to Christ
1. God Created Everything (Genesis 1-2:3)
2. God Created People (Genesis 1:27-2:22)
3. The People Disobey God (Genesis 2:16-3:23)
4. David Becomes King (1 Sam 16:1-13, 2 Sam 7:10-13)
5. A Promise (Jer 25:4-11, Jer 30-31:37)
6. Jesus is Born (Matthew 1:1-25)
7. Herod Learns About a New King (Matthew 2:1-18)
8. Woman at the Well (John 4:1-39)
9. Jesus Changes a Man’s Life (Luke 19:1-10)
10. Jesus’ Death (Luke 22:66-23:25; 23:32-43)
11. Jesus is Alive (Luke 24:1-48, Acts 1:1-11)
12. A Jailer Believes in Jesus (Acts 16:19-39)
13. A Foreigner Believes in Jesus (Acts 8:26-38)